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Text Box: Environmental Happenings
Text Box: The NJDEP responded in a letter dated May 11, 2006 to the RAB’s October 21, 2005 letter concerning NJDEP resources for Picatinny Arsenal. The RAB had submitted a letter describing concerns with inadequate response from the NJDEP on the Picatinny Arsenal project.  Lack of meeting project deadlines has resulted in the loss of funding to the base in the past and slowed the proposed remediation schedule. Edward Putnam, the Assistant Director of the 

Text Box: Site Remediation Program, responded that issues identified by the RAB had not yet been resolved. The search to find an employee through the Inter-Governmental Personnel Act (IPA) program who would be fully funded by the U.S. Army was fruitless. The search was reportedly completed on a national basis through other states, the Army, and the U.S. Navy.  Mr. Putnam noted that the NJDEP was still pursuing this route. Another option that is being considered is a “permanent  career
Text Box: appointment from the New Jersey National Guard that would provide a state employee to DEP for federal facility environmental reviews, also paid for through Army funding sources.”  Given the accelerated schedule that Arcadis is attempting to meet it is apparent that the NJDEP will soon be flooded with even more documents needing review. This will add to the ever growing backlog. Each of the assigned NJDEP staff has numerous other projects assigned to them and
Text Box: Training Opportunities 
Text Box: “Perchlorate:  Overviews of Issues, Status and Remedial Options,” September 19th from 2 to 4:15 pm
 “What’s New with In Situ Chemical Oxidation?,” October 5th from 11 am to 1:15 pm

Text Box: The Interstate Technical Regulatory Council (ITRC) has four on-line courses coming up as follows:
“Planning and Promoting of Ecological Re-use of Remediated Sites,” September 14th from 11 am to 1:15 pm
Image of Group MeetingText Box: was also present at the meeting.  The purpose of the meeting was to conduct the annual review of Installation Restoration Program (IRP) sites to evaluate the proposed remedies and to review the estimated or proposed costs for each site.  The cost for each site includes future expenditures expected to be incurred for each site until the remedy is in place and finally complete.  If the duration of the implementation of the remediation measure is of an undeterminable length, then a

Text Box: The annual Installation Action Plan (IAP) meeting was held on June 13th and June 14th at Picatinny Arsenal.  In attendance were representatives of Picatinny Arsenal, the Army Environmental Center (AEC), the Army Corps of Engineers (ACE),  the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), the Shaw Group, Arcadis, and the RAB (community co-chair Michael Glaab).  The TAPP contractor

Text Box: maximum time period of 30 years may be assumed.  It must be noted that some remediation efforts could conceivably require a longer time interval than 30 years - especially if Monitored Natural Attenuation is used to remediate a site.  This year the program also included a review of Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP) sites.  The meeting also provided for an introduction of the entire project team to
Image of Man Reading Newspaper


limited time to devote to the Picatinny Arsenal project.

In the event that an insufficient allocation of human resources  by the NJDEP is neither the sole nor the primary reason for its delays it is hoped that the NJDEP will implement  appropriate alternative measures to redress its deficiencies in fulfilling its participatory oversight role in the environmental remediation effort at Picatinny Arsenal.

·  “Site Investigation and Remediation for Munitions Response Projects,” October 12th from 11 am to 1:15 pm

 Courses are free.  Register   on-line at www.itrcweb.org.


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